Congratulations to Professor Tommy Koh, former DPM S Jayakumar, and Deputy Attorney-General Lionel Yee on the launch of their jointly authored book, “Pedra Branca: Story of the Unheard Cases”!
In 2017, Malaysia challenged the International Court of Justice’s 2008 ruling that Pedra Branca belonged to Singapore. We assembled an inter-agency team, who spent over a year preparing our case.
However, Malaysia unexpectedly dropped their challenge shortly after their elections last May. This left some of our team relieved, but others disappointed! So 3 key members of the team turned their energies towards publishing a book instead. :)
“Pedra Branca: Story of the Unheard Cases”, documents Singapore’s case and how the team prepared for it. This is how we handle bilateral disputes – we seek good ties with our neighbours, but when it comes to protecting our sovereignty and interests, we will do so robustly, in accordance with international law. – LHL
同時也有1部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過3萬的網紅National Palace Museum國立故宮博物院,也在其Youtube影片中提到,This year, 2015, to commemorate both the 90th anniversary of the National Palace Museum’s founding and the three hundredth year since the Italian pain...
court documents 在 唐家婕 - Jane Tang Facebook 八卦
👂🏻歡迎收聽~三集廣播 / Podcast報導《山東「合村併居」的惡夢》:
🔹中集:誰的蠢事?-- 政府賣地賺錢
▪️ #合村併居
▪️ #手段
// 簽署拆遷協定的前三人有5000到10000人民幣不等的獎金,還承諾有優先選則安置房的權力。對簽署拆遷協定有質疑的人家,很多則會突然遇到各種「狀況」。
🧑🏼🌾「白天一波一波的人來好言相勸;晚上黑惡勢力就來恐嚇威脅,斷電、砸牆、放煙花爆竹、辱罵。這種情況越來越嚴重。 他們還在我們家旁邊蓋了一個簡易房,裡面裝好了空調,白天在那裡看著我的家人,晚上十點左右,不知道什麼人就會開始向我家丟石頭。」
▪️ #賣地賺錢
1. 怕農民不搬:以前的經驗,樓房蓋好、農民拒搬、樓房賣不出去、建商跟地方政府一起被拖垮。
2. 賣地賺錢:中國地方政府長期仰賴土地財政。簡單來說,賣地賺錢、大拆大建,是度過經濟成長萎縮、國內外局勢險峻的手段。
▪️ #中國不能討論的事:組織&土地私有化
農業組織早在市場化之後逐漸消失,以現在的政治環境更不可能;至於產權,在近幾年連學術討論的空間都大大萎縮了。(aka 大多學者也不敢講話、倡議以土地私有化讓中國城鎮化自然發生)
在2013年的中共十八大三中全會 上,「完善產權制度和要素市場化」被提上議程。文貫中解釋說,那一度讓外界看見中國土地產權改革的希望。
▫️1. 時代的眼淚
▫️2. 習粉
🔹中集:誰的蠢事?-- 政府賣地賺錢
I made 3 episodes of podcasts documenting the voices of Shangdong Peasants families:《The Nightmare of Shandong’s "village mergers"》
These Chinese farmers speak up with desperation on their real struggles, providing us a rare opportunity to hear their voices.
According to official documents, the province's "rural revitalization" strategy (鄉村振興戰略) involves relocating and merging 20% of its close to 70,000 villages by 2020. The policy has a name: “village mergers” (合村並點、or 合村並居 hécūn bìngjū).
With this aggressive goal, the local government of Shangdong has been razing villages at an unprecedented speed. Nearly a dozen villagers told #RFA that the local government uses "all sorts of tools" to force them to sign agreements to move, and were promised new houses that are still in construction or have not even been built.
These "tools" include pressuring families about their children’s educations, seizing tractors, cutting of electricity, digging huge holes in front of the families’ properties, throwing rocks at their houses, or lighting up fireworks in the middle of the night.
In one case, the local police registered a farmer, Li, as a “wanted criminal" for taking a mining job more than two decades before. Li was suddenly arrested at a train station this month while trying to buy a ticket with his ID card.
“Raze first, build later”(先拆後建) became a new norm of this mass-demolition campaign in Shandong, leaving thousands of rural residents with few options. With their houses now gone, most of the farmers we talked to had erected tents along their old fields. Some were staying with family and friends.
The local government promised a 1500 yuan ($213) per month ‘transition fee’. At least six families told us they have yet received anything.
The local official I spoke to denied all the accusations. "There has been no forced relocation. All money has been sent to the families.”
An official response document from the government to villagers also showed ‘No Forced Relocation’.
One farmer told me he felt ‘helpless’. “The police are not documenting the case, the government has denied all the behaviors relating to forced relocations, and the court is not taking our case either.”
Have a listen:
《The Nightmare of Shandong’s "village mergers"》
■ 1: From peasant to "wanted criminals"
■ 2: Who’s stupid move? Making money from the land
■ 3: The tragic land of Chinese farmers
court documents 在 Papa Azri Facebook 八卦
Baca sampai habis Guys
Realiti sebenar isu tahanan PATI
1. Dakwaan beberapa pemimpin PH dan NGO pro-liberalisme bahawa Malaysia menindas dan menzalimi PATI, adalah melampau. Ia kemudiannya dituruti dengan kecaman antarabangsa, kononnya PATI di dalam Depot Tahanan Imigresen (DPI) dilayan dengan begitu teruk, khususnya wanita dan kanak-kanak. [1]
2. Hakikatnya, DPI bahkan menyediakan kemudahan kepada tahanan termasuk taman permainan kanak-kanak dilengkapi sudut bacaan, alat permainan, alat tulis, kerusi dan kolam mandi mudah alih selain daripada makan minum, rawatan kesihatan dan keperluan asas lain.
3. Tahanan wanita yang mengandung dan mempunyai anak turut disediakan katil, tilam serta bantal untuk keselesaan mereka, bukan tidur di atas lantai sel seperti yang diburuk-burukkan.
4. Berapakah kos tanggungan keseluruhan DPI untuk tahanan PATI ini? RM3.4 juta sebulan. [2]
5. Berapa lama PATI ditahan dalam sebelum dihantar pulang ke negara asal? 3 minggu sehingga 4 bulan.
6. Kerajaan tentulah tidak mahu menanggung beban kewangan dengan menahan lama-lama PATI ini, tetapi ia bukan sesuatu yang mudah untuk menghantar mereka pulang segera. Berikut merupakan antara sebab-sebabnya:
- PATI gagal mendedahkan identiti kewarganegaraan negara asal
- Ketiadaan dokumen negara asal
- Tertakluk di bawah perintah mahkamah (hukuman penjara)
- Menunggu dokumen dikeluarkan oleh pihak kedutaan negara asal
7. Hal demikian dijelaskan oleh bekas Ketua Pengarah Imigresen, Mustafar Ali seperti berikut:
“…Apabila seseorang itu ditangkap, mereka tiada dokumen, kita memerlukan dokumen mereka dari kedutaan. Kedutaan mereka akan mengeluarkan dokumen untuk membolehkan mereka dihantar pulang ke negara asal.
Jika tiada dokumen langsung, mereka akan digelar sebagai warga tidak bernegara, sebagai contohnya, apabila pihak kami menghubungi kedutaan berkenaan, PATI mengatakan mereka bukan dari negara terbabit. Sama juga kedutaan yang tidak mengaku PATI tersebut warganegara mereka. Jadi, pihak kedutaan tidak akan mengeluarkan dokumen. Bila tidak dikeluarkan dokumen, berapa lama mereka terpaksa tunggu?” [3]
8. Kita sebenarnya tersepit. Rakyat dan kerajaan mahu PATI segera ditangani. Tetapi PH dan NGO dengan desakan antarabangsa (kumpulan hak asasi), mahu sebaliknya.
9. Bagaimanapun, semalam, ketegasan Menteri Kanan (Keselamatan), walaupun bukan seorang yang lantang berbicara, namun jawapan dan tindakannya tegas:
"Walau apa alasan yang diberikan oleh kumpulan yang menentang tindakan kerajaan ini, kita tidak akan tunduk kepada mereka kerana tindakan kita adalah untuk menjaga kepentingan dan keselamatan rakyat kita."
10. Justeru, kerajaan akan menyegerakan penghantaran pulang PATI (yang didapati negatif Covid-19) ke negara asal. [4]
[3] Nurina Awanis Mohamed, Mohd Na’eim Ajis, Zawiyah Md. Zain, 2019. Cabaran dalam menguruskan pendatang asing tanpa izin di depot tahanan imigresen Malaysia. Malaysian Journal of Society and Space 15:3 (76-89). Bangi: UKM Press (
The real reality of the home issue of pati
1. Claims of some ph leaders and pro-liberalism ngo that Malaysia is bullying and terrorizing the essence, is extreme. It was later obeyed with international censure, supposedly the essence in the Immigration Prisoner Depot (dpi) was treated so badly, especially women and children. [1]
2. In fact, dpi even provides facilities to prisoners including children's playground equipped with reading corner, game tools, writing tools, chairs and mobile bath pools instead of eating drinks, health treatment and other basic needs.
3. Pregnant Women's homes and children are also prepared for bed, mattress and pillow for their comfort, not sleeping on the cell floor as they are being are.
4. How much is the overall cost of dpi for this pati prisoner? Rm3. 4 million a month. [2]
5. How long has the essence been held in before being sent back to the country of origin? 3 WEEKS UP TO 4 months.
6. Government would not want to bear financial burden by holding on for a long time, but it's not something easy to send them home immediately. Here are some of the reasons:
- pati fails to reveal the identity of the nationality of the country
- the absence of original country documents
- subject under court order (prison sentence)
- waiting for documents to be issued by the original embassy
7. Things are explained by former immigration director mustafar ali as follows:
"... when a person is arrested, they don't have documents, we need their documents from the embassy. Their Embassy will release documents to allow them to be sent back to the country of origin.
If there are no documents at all, they will be held as citizens citizens, for example, when our party calls the embassy, the essence says they are not from the country involved. It's the same embassy who doesn't admit that the essence is their citizen. So the embassy won't release the documents. When the documents are not issued, how long do they have to wait?" [3]
8. We are actually stuck. The people and the government want the essence to be treated immediately. But Ph and ngo with international pressure (rights group), want the other way around.
9. However, yesterday, the firmness of the right minister (safety), even though not a loud person speaks, but his answers and actions are firm:
" no matter what the reason that the group that opposes the actions of this government, we will not bow down to them because our actions are to keep the importance and safety of our people."
10. Thus, the government will hasten the return of the pati (found negative covid-19) to the country of origin. [4]
[3] Nurina Awanis Mohamed, MOHD NA ' Eim Ajis, zawiyah MD. Zain, 2019. Challenges in managing foreign immigrants at the Malaysia Immigration Prisoner Depot. Malaysian Journal of society and space 15:3 (76-89). Bangi: Ukm Press (
court documents 在 National Palace Museum國立故宮博物院 Youtube 的評價
This year, 2015, to commemorate both the 90th anniversary of the National Palace Museum’s founding and the three hundredth year since the Italian painter Giuseppe Castiglione (1688-1766) came to the Qing court and left his enduring influence, the NPM has produced Victory in Etching, a documentary in 4K high-resolution film. The centerpiece of this documentary is Victory in the Pacification of Dzungars and Muslims, which was drafted by Castiglione and various other court painters and completed by French engravers. Our research team reconstructed the stories behind the work by piecing together evidence culled from historical documents and overseas research. The narrator of this documentary is a special guest, the top news anchor Shen Chunhua, winner of the Golden Bell Awards. The documentary recounts Qianlong’s northwestern military campaigns, the commission and production of the sixteen Victory plates, and insights into the copperplate engraving method. The film crew visited Europe to do the shooting, filming at the Bibliothèque nationale de France, the Ethnologisches Museum in Germany, and various printing workshops. Out of the sixteen prints requested by Qianlong, Storming of the Camp at Gädän-Ola and Lifting of the Siege at Black Water River were entirely drafted by Castiglione using a naturalist style and featuring the western technique of perspective. Today, this documentary will allow us once again to witness the achievements of 18th century cooperation in Eastern and Western art.

court documents 在 Public Access to Court Electronic Records | PACER: Federal ... 的相關結果
PACER provides information about accessing and filing federal court records electronically. Find resources for using PACER. ... <看更多>
court documents 在 Access to Court documents 的相關結果
The Access to Documents and Transcripts Practice Note (GPN-ACCS) provides you with guidance on how to access Court documents in a case including what the Court ... ... <看更多>
court documents 在 Case Documents - Supreme Court 的相關結果
The Court makes available many different forms of information about cases. The most common way to find information about a case is to review the case's ... ... <看更多>